Gresford Campdraft & Rodeo Knocked Our Socks Off!!
Gresford Campdraft & Rodeo Knocked Our Socks Off!!
September 12, 2015
We definitely got more than we expected from Gresford Campdraft & Rodeo!!
An eventful beef jerky late night drive on Friday night from Scone to Gresford saw us setting up in the dark at the Showgrounds, testing our stamina and Kirsty's height!! We camped in the back of the ute overnight and froze our butts off, but we are country girls and we survived!!
We had an early start on the Saturday morning, Gresford pulled out a beautiful sunrise which gave us a much needed thawing out and then followed that up with some grand weather for the entire day.

We had a moment of euphoria when we heard Dusty Diamonds announced over the PA for the first time, thanking us for our sponsorship! Another first for us, our dreams are coming true!! Yay!!
Kirsty & I were inundated when the gates opened to the public and people were pouring into our shop in larger than expected numbers! It was fantastic! We were pleased to see our Large and Plus size belts walking out the door, many wonderful comments from ladies who usually cannot find their sizes in bling belts who were very grateful to us for catering for EVERY cowgirl!!
Many women danced around our shop with their legs crossed as they had seen our store on the way to the ladies toilet block (we will remember to strategically place our shop like this again at the next event) and our sparkly rhinestone materials display table caught every childs eye, which resulted in them towing mum or dad into the store!

Kirsty managed to catch some fantastic shots of the action at the rodeo, which we have made into an album on facebook. For those of you who know these competitors or are in the photos, feel free to tag yourselves & them!

Our Dusty Diamonds Range of shirts, New & Used and also the Upcycled Shirts were nearly bought out, which means Kirsty and I have lots of work to do before our next event!!
The event continued after hours, allowing us to light up our shop for the first time with our fairy lights and sparkle on into the night!!

We ended up starting to pack up our shop a little earlier than expected at 7pm due to low stock (another Yay!!) and not until we sat in the seat of the car to drive away at 9pm did we realise that we had not sat down since 5:30am that morning!! Absolutely exhausted but extremely thrilled with everything that the weekend had delivered!
The weekend will be remembered by us both with highlights being our VIP purple lover (who bought anything she could find in purple - time to restock that colour), the lady dressed in Fluoro Green from head to toe, a little girl called Lilly who received our free gift of a pink Montana West wallet (lucky it was her favourite colour) and the gathering of cluckers!!
All in all we had a fantastic day, met loads more new customers and friendly people. Gresford will definitley be marked on our calendar as a permanent event for Dusty Diamonds! A huge thank you to Tracey of the GDBCA, you were a fantastic help to us and we hope to see you again soon!
Thank you to every Dusty Diamond that anticipated our arrival at Gresford and to those that didn't know us but definitely do now! We loved meeting you all, see you again next time!!