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Barrel racing, Blisters, Cloverleaf Cruisers, Dooley's Friendly Grocer, Futurity, Gazebo, Heatwave, Hot, Murrurundi, Muscle vs Brains, Sharna Little, We Got This -

Hot for Barrel Racing at Murrurundi October 9, 2015 After an exhausting week of foalwatch for the both of us, Kirsty's horse event honing skills revealed that we had a local Barrel Racing event to head to. Not just any Barrel Racing Event, it was a Cloverleaf Cruisers Event!! (We're told these are the best!) I was awoken on Saturday morning by a text message from Kirsty that read: 'Rise & Shine! It's Cloverleaf Time!'. My answer having worked the Thursday night previous was: 'Keen Much?!' A double scoop of coffee later, dressed, face on and ready to go, I...

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