Snapping Good Time at Muswellbrook Charity Rodeo & Campdraft!
Snapping Good Time at Muswellbrook Charity Rodeo & Campdraft!
October 24, 2015

After celebrating 2000 likes on facebook during the week, Kirsty and I packed the ute (the gazebo played nice this time) and got ready to make tracks to the Muswellbrook Charity Rodeo & Campdraft. New shipments of denim shorts, check. Chairs in, check. Sponsorship banner in, check (and double checked). Could we really be that organised? 5 events down and I think we're getting the hang of this!
Kirsty in the passenger seat, no bandaids or blisters in sight, we grab our coffees from Kick Ass at Aberdeen and arrive at the Muswellbrook Showgrounds half an hour later, traffic incident free and no we didn't get lost this time!
We played spotto with Jillian Parkinson trying to hunt her down and decided to push past the ice cream van and take advantage of a nice shady, semi inhabited spot, only a stone throw from the action! Rodeo arena at the front door and campdraft at the back, and yep, porta loo conveniently close by! Whilst Jillian organised our own personal banner hangers (thanks guys!) we set up with no hassles and Kirsty had her camera out as soon as we were done!
A squeal of excitement as Kirsty came back over the hill, to find that our banner had been hung for the first time (with perfect precision), in full sunlight and our diamonds were blinging like crazy!

The vendor area filled up quickly, and left the late comers trying to squeeze in. We were glad to have picked the tail end of the sites, it turned out to again be the best market stall real estate available, it pays to get in early! We were delighted to end up having Jaz from Camden Rossmore Stockfeeds squeeze in on our left and then the girls from Sixes & Sevens were accommodated for on our right! We got to have a sneak peek of the high quality of VOGT jewellery with their HOOey by VOGT range, check these girls out for everything HOOey at https://www.facebook.com/sixesnsevenswestern/
We had a quiet moment to catch some action from on top of the hill, when I checked the stall over my shoulder to find that our stall had intrigued a small customer and her small pony.

The stall was now officially a ride through, christened by Casie Hoole of Mudgee aboard her mighty steed Flash! Needless to say Kirsty went ape with her camera, soon we had Flash and Casie both modelling our stock, they were super cute and too adorable to pass up!

Casie fell in love with our Longhorn Sunglasses and leg flapped off up the road in slow pony style to grab Dad and his wallet! A short while, and many visits later Casie was the very proud new owner of our bling sunglasses and don't forget her matching rainbow case!
Our new Grace In LA Girls shorts were in high demand, as were our sunglasses and jewellery! It wasn't long before our table was near empty and we had refilled our business card holder 4 times!!

The barrel racers displayed an amazing array of sunlit bling shirts in their waiting pen which had Kirsty spotting her beloved rainbow rhinestones a mile away! Dusty Diamonds was the proud sponsor of the encouragement award for the under 14's barrel racing, the winner picking up a fee pair of our bling sunglasses!

And then it happened! Mid afternoon I felt a tug on my shirt sleeve, and turned around to see a tear streaked Casie standing behind me with her dad. Kirsty holds up her longhorn sunglasses....in two pieces!! Little Casie was absolutely devastated! She told the story of how carefully she had looked after them and after changing her clothes she jumped into her seat of the car and sat on them! I insisted that her bum was not that big and gave her a much needed hug! Well, Kirsty and I are both mums and we could not have Casie being upset, so she melted our hearts once again when we presented her with another pair of sunglasses to replace the broken ones! She jammed them in her case as fast as she could and swore that she would not sit on these ones! Casie and her very grateful dad left, tears gone and instead, filled with excitement of seeing herself in photos on the Internet!
As the night went on, we pushed into the dark, the public entered for the main rodeo and we were surprised by some friends and relatives from the local area that had made a point of dropping in to give us a hug (and a 'cheeky' photo from Haley!), great to see you guys!

At one point in our night we had 'The Michelle's' drop in, and whilst Kirsty and I have heard and seen a lot of new things we were presented with something completely different! "You wouldn't have anything with a bling camel on it would you?" - a laugh from all and the answer of "whyee?" was met with "I own the camel milk farm!" Low and behold we were speaking with Michelle Phillips of Piercefield Pastures (Muswellbrook Camel Milk).
Whilst one Michelle tried on our bling jeans the other entertained my Nightwatch questions of milking camels! LOL - I had to ask!
It's safe to say that we have the camel bug now and we may have been able to fulfil Michelle's request. Hopefully soon we can pay a visit to your farm Michelle (bringing a surprise), meet your beautiful camels and check out 'The Pub'! That would be worth its own blog I reckon. Check these guys out on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Muswellbrook-Camel-Milk-1518224285128682/
A last minute grab of our banner from the arena had Kirsty on guard with the wrangling of the bulls and a look of horror crossed her face once we had retrieved our banner to find it covered in poo!! Hilarious, at least I thought so!!
Muswellbrook certainly put on a great show for us! We had a lovely time and have added to our growing list of names and faces! Kirsty got to see her sponsorship banner come to life, found fairy floss and got to spend time behind her camera grabbing some fantastic shots!
Casie certainly won us over and we hope to see her and Flash (and her sunglasses in one piece) again very soon! Thank you to Jillian Parkinson and the members of the Muswellbrook Charity Rodeo for being so hospitable, the ice cream man for fulfilling Kirsty's ice cream desires, Sixes & Sevens for letting us snoop & Jaz from Camden Rossmore Stockfeeds for sharing stall babysitting duties with us (and for taking our first ever shot of our stall with us both in it together! For that I'll forgive her dog trying to pee on my leg, which of course Kirsty thought was hilarious! Paid back with the poo covered banner!)
Until next time, Ride & Shine,
From the Dusty Diamonds Girls